New Hong Kong figure maker Hero Cross (formerly known as 86 Hero) presents this Black Hole Stormtrooper from Star Wars as the next installment of their cutting edge Hybrid Metal Figuration line,
each of which are made of approximately 70% alloy and 30% PVC. Height about 14cm.
Estimated arrival April 2013
Price: $105.00
- Deposit $30.00 only to secure your order.
- Deposit must be made through internet fund transfer.
- Balance to be paid upon collection of item.
- Payment if by Pay Pal, buyer pays for all prevailing pay pal fees.
- Payment COD
- Buyer to self collect at Toa Payoh lor 6 block 17 or at The Bayshore at Bedok.
- Email me at for inquiries
- Do view my blog for more figures at
- and Verto's Toyz @ facebook
- Do check out my other listings as well.